45 year old female with bilateral pedal edema

Hi, I’m Shreshta, 3rd sem medical student. This is an online E Log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's  de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking her consent.
A 45 year old female daily wage (cotton picker) worker from Suryapeta was admitted into the hospital on 30-06-22(Thursday).

Cheif Complaints:
Patient was asymptomatic 20 days ago, then she developed swelling in  both her legs, for which she consulted a local RMP and was prescribed few tablets.
The swelling decreased but after 10 days, the swelling increased again.
She was feeling pain sensation when touched and after walking for long distances.

She has pain in the right hypochondrium while sitting and neck region while doing movements since 10 days

History of present illness:Bilateral pedal edema(pitting type) since 20 days
No history of feverNo history of Vomitings

Past history:Nil
Family history: 
Not relevant
Personal history:Diet : mixedAppetite: reduced Sleep: adequate Bladder/ bowel : regular
General examination:Moderately built Moderately nourished Pallor presentIcterus absent No clubbing of fingers Bilateral pedal edema- present
Clinical images :

Reports :


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